Discover The “ONLY Google-Approved Linking Strategy”

That Will Boost Your Rankings Effortlessly and Predictably, Without Fear & Frustrations!

Evidence shows this method is 93% cheaper than backlinks and 28x more effective for achieving high rankings!

Instead, here's who (or what) you should trust:

CONCRETE EVIDENCE that Google hates backlinks.

1. Google's Relentless War Against Backlinks

It's no secret that Google is always updating their search algorithms to improve the quality of search results. Most notably though, is that a majority of these updates specifically targeted manipulative backlink tactics:

  1. 2003


    Target: Manipulative SEO tactics (low-quality backlinks, keyword stuffing)


    Significant drop in rankings and traffic for a big number of websites

  2. 2005


    Target: Shady backlink schemes like link farms and link spam


    Major penalties and deindexing of websites involved in link schemes

  3. 2012-2016


    Target: Spammy backlink profiles (paid links, sitewide links, low-quality directories, spammy comments)


    Severe penalties that included complete removal from search results

  4. 2021-Present

    Link Spam Update

    Target: Low-quality links and manipulative practices


    Websites faced manual actions, resulting in drastic drops in rankings and traffic

2. Google Employees Repeatedly Downplay Backlinks' Influence on Rankings

For many years now, employees at Google have repeatedly downplayed the influence of backlinks on rankings:

Gary Illyes, Google Analyst | SERP Conf. 2024

“We need very few links to rank pages… Over the years we've made links less important.

Duy Nguyen, Google Search Quality | Google SEO Office Hours

“First, backlinks as a signal have a lot less significant impact compared to when Google Search first started out many years ago. We have robust ranking signals, hundreds of them, to make sure that we are able to rank the most relevant and useful results for all queries.”

Gary Illyes, Google Analyst | Pubcon Pro 2023 in Austin, TX

“I think they are important, but I think people overestimate the importance of links. I don't agree it's in the top three. It hasn't been for some time.”

So, you have 1) many Google updates tackling backlinks and 2) Google employees saying they're not as important anymore. What does this mean?

This means backlinks are taking a back seat. They no longer play a big role in influencing your rankings.

Instead, here is what you need to do.

This PRECISE Link Strategy is What You Need to Please Google!

Here comes the undeniable truth not many know:

Internal linking is the ONLY link strategy that will work for achieving high rankings.

…but only if done the RIGHT way.

Make no mistake, this internal linking strategy is different from what you're used to.

In fact, I want you to FORGET everything  you thought you knew about internal linking – because it won't give you the high rankings you desire.

The link strategy I'm sharing here is a PRECISE internal linking strategy that adheres closely to Google's own preferences for internal linking.

Here's why this linking strategy works so well with Google:

It facilitates easier crawling of your website by Google bots, which tells them your website is well-structured.

Google bots can efficiently discover more pages on your website, speeding up the indexing process.

It helps Google understand your site's content, further establishing your topical authority.

Users enjoy a positive navigating experience, as they can easily explore your content for more information, reducing bounce rates and sending positive signals to Google.

You might still be skeptical about all this.

You're not alone. Many think the same. But real-life evidence tells a different story.

Numerous case studies demonstrate that websites with ZERO backlinks and only GOOD internal linking can rank high on Google.

Here's a prime example:

A Website Went From 0 to 1,500,000 Organics With Only (Precise) Internal Linking

What happens when a website prioritizes great content and precise internal linking without relying on backlinks?

Apparently, Google loves it – and ranks it high in search results.

This website in question saw an explosive growth to 1,500,000 monthly traffic with zero backlinks – only content and internal links.

But it's not an isolated success story.

Image from

Countless websites have achieved 100,000+ traffic  relying solely on content, internal links, and zero backlinks.

Google Themselves Confirm The Importance of Internal Linking

Google's strong preference for internal linking is also reinforced by none other than Google themselves.

When asked about whether internal linking is important for SEO, here is what John Mueller, Google Search Advocate said:

“Yes, absolutely… internal linking is super critical for SEO, I think it's one of the biggest things that you can do on a website to kind of guide Google and guide visitors to the pages that you think are important.”

Google SEO Office Hours


Google has published various articles sharing internal linking best practices:

So, now we know Google has a liking towards internal linking and doesn't shy away from publicizing this.

But we also know that there are certain linking practices that they are looking for.

These practices are the core of the precise internal linking strategy you need to implement to boost your rankings.

Knowing this, here comes the big question:

How do you ensure you're doing internal linking right, the way Google wants you to?

Here are your options:

You Could Do Internal Linking Manually -
But It Is Extremely Complex & Slow!

Your first thought would be to just do internal linking yourself - which is definitely doable…

… if you have all the time in the world with nothing better to do.

The problem with manual internal linking is that it consumes way too much time and effort.

Here are just some struggles you'll face:

Finding relevant pages to link to from your new content.
Identifying and updating older content to link to your new content.
Eliminating orphan pages by ensuring all pages have internal links pointing to them.
Choosing descriptive anchor text that benefits users and SEO.
Tweaking existing content to fit in anchor text while ensuring it is contextually relevant.
Avoiding issues like broken links and orphan pages.
Distributing link juice effectively throughout your website.
Ensuring internal links follow your desired site hierarchy.

This begs the next question,

“Why not use internal linking tools?”

You could, but here's the problem…

Internal Linking Tools Only Ruin Your Website With Unnatural & Irrelevant Internal Linking

Our survey reveals that:

“ 68% of websites don't trust tools to manage their internal linking and prefer to do it manually, despite the hassle. ”

Why? Because existing internal linking tools simply can't get it right.

They rely on overly simplistic, black-and-white rules that focus on keywords instead of overall context and relationships.

As a result:

  1. They suggest irrelevant links, leading to pages with zero relevance being linked together.
  2. They use spammy anchor text, often lengthy, repetitive, and with poor relevance to the linked page.
  3. They disrupt website structures, causing more harm than good—broken links, poor navigation, orphan pages, and more.

But that's not all.
Other pitfalls of current solutions include:

Requiring manual insertion of suggested links, which is time-consuming.
Lack of bulk solutions, requiring you to review link suggestions one-by-one.
Exclusivity to WordPress websites with no support for other CMS platforms.

The biggest problem with both manual internal linking and using internal linking tools is this:

Neither can implement the PRECISE internal linking strategy that's loved by Google (and give you high rankings).

Does that mean you're out of options? That you're doomed with no solutions to your internal linking struggles?

Not at all.

Allow me to introduce you to the ultimate solution for all your internal linking problems:


Meet LinkVector: Your Ultimate Tool For Precise, Simplified, and Fast Internal Linking

LinkVector is the only internal linking tool that ensures contextual understanding of your entire website through advanced NLP, LLM, and Big Data technology.

LinkVector analyzes your entire site, fixes linking flaws, and automatically implements an optimized internal linking structure proven to boost Google rankings.

With LinkVector, You Gain Three MAJOR ADVANTAGES Not Found In Other Tools:

PRECISE Internal Linking

You implement accurate internal links and contextually-relevant anchor texts that adhere to Google's guidelines.


LinkVector does all the hard work of analyzing your website and figuring out what to improve – all you need to do is sit back and relax.

FAST Implementation

With automated and bulk internal linking actions, what previously took days gets done in a fraction of the time.

These advantages are achieved through these powerful features:

All Pages

Internal Linking Suggestions and Visual Map For All Pages
  • Receive internal link suggestions for all pages on your website (links to and from the page)
  • Get a sorted list of all pages with issues, prioritized by importance (considering PageRank and internal link rating)
  • Quickly identify pages with errors (orphan pages, error pages) or blog posts using quick filters
  • View a visual map of your website's internal linking structure and see how all pages are connected
  • Easily and quickly build new internal links by connecting nodes (pages) on the visual map

Link ActionsTM

Precise Internal Linking For 18 Optimization Aspects
  • Implement fixes for accurate internal linking in one click
  • Ensure high-quality and relevant anchor text
  • Identify and resolve orphan pages, broken links, and redirect chains

Link Insights

Simplify Internal Linking Analysis
  • Monitor the distribution of important, standard, and less important pages and the internal linking distribution across these pages
  • View the distribution of HTTPS status codes, internal versus external links, indexed versus noindexed pages, follow versus nofollow links, and page versus post types
  • Explore the distribution of anchor text types, including money, compound, branded, generic, naked, partial match, and more

Link Utilities

Fast Internal Linking With Automated & Bulk Actions
  • Set up rules to apply links automatically, with suggestions for specific pages and a table for easy reference
  • Search and replace links or anchor text across your website, with suggestions for accuracy
  • Easily manage and replace redirected or broken links to maintain site integrity

LinkVector Meets Both Google's Standards and User Preferences For Precise Internal Linking

Internal linking is a complicated process that demands advanced-level technology to get it right.

Most tools fall short by relying on simplistic rules and shortcuts.

At LinkVector, we've taken a different approach.

We've built a proprietary technology that meets the precision required for internal linking through in-depth research and rigorous testing.

Here is what LinkVector is built on:

Google's Search Engine Technology

We studied various Google patents, guidelines, and insights from Google employees on internal linking best practices to ensure LinkVector aligns closely with what Google wants.

Community Feedback

We researched the challenges website owners face with internal linking, ensuring LinkVector is designed to solve real-world situations.

Rigorous Testing & Case Studies

We conducted extensive internal testing and case studies to identify what works and what doesn't. The findings from these tests lay the foundation of LinkVector features.

And the result?

A precise internal linking tool that satisfies both Google and users through:

  1. Enhanced site navigation for best user experience
  2. Alignment with Google's recommendations, ensuring easy crawling and understanding

One Internal Linking Tool For All CMS

LinkVector's internal linking analysis and suggestions supports all websites on all CMS. No matter what CMS you use, LinkVector will work for you.
However, for direct implementation of changes like inserting links or fixing issues, integration with your CMS is required. Here's how it works:

WordPress Integration Support

Direct Implementation

Currently, we support integration with WordPress.

Setting it up is simple: just create an Application Password in WordPress and connect your account to LinkVector. Once integrated, any link insertions or issue fixes done in LinkVector will be automatically applied to your live WordPress site.

Other CMS

Analysis & Suggestions

Even if we don't yet support direct integration with your CMS, as long as you own the domain and sitemap, LinkVector can still provide valuable internal linking analysis and suggestions for your website.

Try LinkVector risk-free with our 30-day money-back guarantee. Toggle to the annual plans and get 3 months free.

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Perfect for most websites
$55   /month
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50,000 pages

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All CMS supported

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Ideal for large websites or agencies
$129   /month
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250,000 pages

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Custom plan tailored for your business use case.

Don't Take Our Word For It – Hear It From Beta Testers

“Out of all the tools I've tried, LinkVector does the best job at suggesting and inserting relevant and high-quality internal links.”

James Madison

“I used to dread having to do internal linking. But with LinkVector, it became super easy – as simple as click and go!”

Sydney Young

“LinkVector is the fastest way to do internal linking – only took minutes for me! LinkVector is a must-have for website owners.”

Rob Gilligan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will LinkVector work for my website? I don’t use WordPress.

LinkVector supports all websites for analysis, optimization, and issue-fixing suggestions. However, to enable direct application of changes, you will need to integrate your CMS with LinkVector (which should be no problem if your CMS has an API). Let us know what CMS you're using to speed this up by emailing us at