In academia, the more citations a paper gets from well-respected journals, the more credible it is considered. Citations act as endorsements that validate one’s findings and bolsters their reputation.

Link juice operates on a similar principle in the SEO world.

Just like scientific papers thrive on citations, websites on the other hand crave on link juice. The stronger your “link juice profile” is, the faster you get promoted to the top of search results and establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry.

But what is link juice exactly, and how do you earn it for your website?

In this article, we’ll explore the concept of link juice, how it works, how you can “collect link juice” from high-authority websites to establish your own website’s credibility, and how to optimize your website’s link juice effectively by using LinkVector to climb the search engine ladder.

What is Link Juice?

Link juice, also called link equity, is a term used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to describe the value or credibility passed on from one webpage to another through a hyperlink. Link juice is a metaphorical way of understanding how links act like endorsements from other websites. Search engines consider these endorsements as a sign that the linked-to page is credible and valuable.

The Origin of the Phrase Link Juice

In the early days of the internet, all links were considered equal by search engines. But as spammers exploited this, search engines evolved. They began assessing the quality of links, not just the quantity. This shift marked the birth of link juice as a concept SEO professionals created when they needed a way to explain how links transfer value from one page to another.

How Does Link Juice Work?

The concept of link juice and how it gets passes from one page to another is quite simple.

First of all, every webpage starts with a certain amount of link juice, primarily derived from backlinks and also internal links.

Then, when a page links to another page, it passes on some link juice, which equates to sharing a portion of its authority with the linked page. The amount of link juice a page shares to another depends on multiple factors, such as relevancy, the number of links, and its authority.

As a page accumulates more link juice from backlinks or internal links, it builds up its authority, enabling it to pass more valuable link juice to other pages when linking to them.

Why is Link Juice Important in SEO?

We understand that search engines see links as endorsements to the credibility and value of a page. But how exactly does link juice help with SEO?

1. Improved Search Engine Rankings

When reputable websites link to your content, you get link juice and search engines see that your website is valuable and relevant. This significantly boosts your ranking potential for relevant search queries. Naturally, the more link juice you acquire from trusted sources, the higher your website can climb in search results pages.

2. Increased Website Authority

On top of that, link juice contributes to your website’s overall authority in the eyes of search engines. Websites with strong backlink profiles are seen as more credible and trustworthy sources of information. This increased authority can lead to a domino effect, attracting more natural links and further improving your ranking potential over time.

3. Enhanced Crawlability and Indexation

Link juice comes from links, and links act as signals for search engine crawlers. They help crawlers to discover and index your website’s content more efficiently. When other websites link to your pages, it creates a pathway for crawlers to follow and discover your content. This improves the chances of your website being fully indexed by search engines, making it more visible to users searching for relevant information.

In essence, link juice is like a digital currency in the SEO world. The more you acquire it from trusted sources, the more valuable and visible your website becomes in search results. By focusing on creating high-quality content and earning natural backlinks, you can effectively leverage link juice to achieve sustainable SEO success.

Factors Affecting Link Juice Distribution

When it comes to Link juice, it is important to note that not all links pass on the same amount of juice, and not all links pass good “juice”.

The distribution of link juice depends on several factors, such as:

1. Relevance of Linking Pages

One key factor in determining how much link juice a page receives from another is the relevance between them. 

If two pages cover similar topics, the link between them carries more weight and link juice. This makes sense because search engines aim to provide users with the most relevant information. 

For example, let’s say we are writing an article about gardening tips for beginners. To ensure that the link juice is distributed well, linking it to a relevant page, like maintaining gardening tools, rather than an irrelevant one, like maintaining kitchen utensils is much more effective.

Example showing relevance of linking pages
Relevance of linking pages

2. Authority of Linking Domains

Another crucial aspect is the authority of the domain providing the link. High-authority domains have built trust with search engines over time through quality content and reliable information. When such a domain links to another site, it passes on more link juice compared to a lower authority site.

For example, a link from an established news outlet or an educational institution carries significant “juice.” These sites are seen as credible sources by both users and search engines, so receiving a link from them can greatly improve a site’s visibility and credibility.

3. Number of Outgoing Links

The number of outgoing links directly affects how much link juice is passed on to each website you link to.

A page with few outgoing links, ideally between 2-5, simply means fewer links to share the juice with, concentrating its value. Conversely, a page with many outgoing links, typically 10 or more, distributes the link juice very thinly. Each linked site then receives a minimal amount of value which is not optimal.

4. Types of Links

Different types of links pass on different amounts of link juice. In fact, some types don’t pass link juice at all. 

Below are different types of links and how link juice is distributed through them:

A. Do-follow vs. No-follow links

By default, links without any special attributes (such as no-follow, UGC, or sponsored) attached to them are do-follow links. While there’s no official ‘dofollow’ term, we use it here to distinguish these links from nofollow links.

For instance:

<a href=””>Click here</a>

No-follow links are links with the rel=”nofollow” attribute in their HTML code. 

For example:

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Click here</a>

The key difference lies in how they handle “link juice,” which refers to the page authority passed on through links. Do-follow links pass link juice, potentially boosting your webpage’s ranking if linked from a relevant, authoritative site. 

No-follow links, on the other hand, instruct search engines not to follow them and don’t pass on link juice, so they won’t directly impact your rankings. They are typically used for untrusted content, paid links (like affiliate links), or comment sections. 

The screenshot below shows an example of the no-follow attributed to an Amazon link. 

Example showing no-follow link
No-follow links

B. Internal vs. External Link Juice

Internal linking refers to links that go from one page to another on the same website. These links are vital for circulating link juice throughout your site.

External linking is divided into outgoing and incoming links. Outgoing links are those linking and leading readers from your site to other sites. A common concern about outgoing links is that they might cause you to lose link juice.

On the contrary, search engines view linking to reputable and relevant sites as a positive signal because it enhances the user experience and provides value to your readers. Hence, it’s important to link only to reputable sites within your niche and to keep the number of links below five in order to outweigh the risk.

Meanwhile, incoming links (or backlinks) affect your link juice differently. Incoming links are linking and bringing traffic from other sites to yours.

They are crucial for earning link juice. However, it is widely known that not all backlinks are created equal. Those from high-authority sites carry more weight and offer more link juice than those from lesser-known sources.

5. Anchor Text Optimization

Finally, how you use anchor text—the clickable text in a hyperlink—plays an important role in effectively distributing link juice. The right anchor text can do wonders.

Anchor texts should be descriptive and include keywords related to the linked page’s content. This helps search engines understand what the linked page is about, improving its chances of distributing a decent amount of link juice.

For example, the anchor text “repel unwanted insects like mosquitoes” here describes the actual content of the linked page, at the same time, is relevant to the topic as well. 

Example showing optimized anchor text
Anchor text optimization

LinkVector provides features that simplify this complex process by detecting low-quality anchor text and replacing them in bulk.

Methods to Earn Link Juice

Methods to Earn Link Juice

Great, now you know how important link juice is and how it can improve your rankings. But how do you collect Link juice?

Most importantly, how do you collect high-quality link juice? Here are several ways:

1. Create High-Quality Content

You should focus on creating well-researched, engaging content that establishes your expertise in your niche. Websites are more likely to link to valuable and informative content that solves problems or answers user queries. This way, you gain natural and high-quality link juice. Regularly publishing authoritative articles, industry reports, and even strategic press releases (like these press release examples) can attract backlinks from reputable sites, further boosting your link juice.

2. Guest Blogging

Contributing guest articles to reputable websites within your industry allows you to showcase your knowledge and expertise to a wider audience while also including a link back to your website. It provides valuable and authentic link juice to your page. 

3. Broken Link Building

Identifying broken links on relevant websites that link to outdated or non-existent content presents you golden opportunity to gain link juice by proposing backlinks. 

By focusing on topics that are closely related to your industry, you create informative content that serves as a valuable replacement for the broken link. The final step would be reaching out to the website owner and suggest your content as an alternative.

4. Infographics

This is yet a common but useful practice to earn link juice. Design informative and visually appealing infographics related to your industry. Share your infographics with bloggers and websites in your niche, and request a backlink if they use your infographic. 

5. Resource Page Link Building

Look for resource pages on websites in your niche that compile helpful resources for their audience. Similarly to broken link building, if your content is relevant and valuable, reach out to the website owner and request to be included on their resource page. This method broadens your ways of gathering link juice. 

6. Collaborate with Influencers or Experts

Partner with influencers or participate in expert roundups in your industry to create co-branded content or conduct interviews. This can attract backlinks from influencers, participants, and their audiences.

7. Competitor Backlink Analysis

Do what your competitors are doing. Analyze the backlinks of your competitors and identify the websites linking to them. Reach out to those websites to request backlinks for your own website as well. However, ensure your content provides similar or even greater value than your competitor’s content.

8. Content Syndication

Syndicate your content on reputable platforms like Medium, LinkedIn, or industry-specific websites. If handled correctly (with canonical tags or proper backlinks), content syndication can potentially earn link juice. This points search engines to the original version of your content and ensures that the backlink points to your website.

Focus on creating high-quality content and building relationships within your niche. These methods will naturally generate link juice, which is a more sustainable approach to SEO than engaging in link-building schemes. 

Tips to Preserve Link Juice

Securing link juice is only half the battle; it’s equally crucial to maintain it and prevent waste.

Below are some tips to preserve the valuable link juice you’ve worked hard to acquire: 

1. Avoid Link Schemes and Penalties

Google’s algorithms are smart. They can spot link schemes that try to game the system. If you’re buying links or exchanging them in ways that seem unnatural, Google might penalize your site. This means less link juice flowing your way.

You need to understand what Google considers a link scheme. It’s not just about buying links. It includes excessive link exchanges and using automated programs to create links.

2. Avoid Website Deletion or Inaccessibility

Sometimes websites go down or get deleted. When this happens, any link juice they were passing on gets cut off too. To avoid losing out:

To avoid losing out on the link juice you worked hard to collect, make sure your hosting is reliable. Look for providers with good uptime scores and positive customer reviews.

Another handy tip for you: Backup your site regularly. If something goes wrong, you can restore it quickly without losing much time or data.

You may consider using a CDN (Content Delivery Network). This helps keep your site accessible even if one server goes down.

3. Avoid Having Low-Quality Backlinks

Not all backlinks are created equal. Links from reputable sites carry more weight than those from low-quality directories or spammy pages.

Firstly, conduct a backlink audit using tools like Google Search Console. Identify any low-quality or harmful links pointing to your site.

Next, work on removing these bad links. You can reach out to the website owners directly or use Google’s Disavow Tool as a last resort.

Link Juice vs. PageRank

Many often confuse and interchange the terms “link juice” and “PageRank” when discussing links in SEO.

While both are related to linking, they are distinct in their definitions and implications. Let’s clarify what PageRank is before diving into how it differs from link juice.

What is PageRank?

PageRank is an algorithm developed by Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, to measure the importance of webpages based on the quantity and quality of links pointing to them. In simple terms, it assigns a numerical value, ranging from 0 to 10, to webpages to indicate their authority and credibility. A higher PageRank score suggests that a webpage is more valuable and is likely to rank higher in Google’s search results.

How Link Juice and PageRank Differ

While both terms relate to links in SEO, they refer to different concepts. Link juice describes the value passed from one site to another via links. PageRank, on the other hand, is a specific algorithm used by Google to rank web pages in their search engine results. It quantifies the importance of pages based on the incoming links. 

Common Misconceptions About Link Juice

Link juice is a powerful concept, but just like any other SEO concept, it’s also prone to misconceptions and wrong advices. These misinformation can lead to wasted effort and even harm your SEO performance.

Hence, in this section, we’ll clear the air and debunk some of the most common link juice myths. This will ensure you have a solid grasp on how link juice truly works and help you develop an effective link-building strategy.

Here are some common misconceptions about link juice that are downright wrong (and you can safely ignore!):

1. Quantity > Quality

Contrary to the belief that accumulating a high number of links guarantees better SEO performance, the quality of backlinks is actually more significant. Historically, the focus on quantity encouraged the growth of the link-scheming industry, which is now largely penalized by modern search engine algorithms. High-quality links from authoritative websites can significantly enhance your site’s search engine ranking, far outweighing the impact of numerous low-quality links.

2. All Links Carry the Same Weight

It is incorrect to assume that all links impart the same level of link juice. The origin of the link plays a crucial role; links from well-established, credible websites are more beneficial than those from lesser-known sources. Additionally, the method of linking matters; direct links without redirects are typically more advantageous than those that pass through multiple redirects.

3. Internal Linking Doesn’t Affect Link Juice

Some misconceptions dismiss the importance of internal links in distributing link juice. However, effective internal linking can significantly aid in spreading value across your website and enhance its lesser-viewed pages’ visibility. Use a tool like LinkVector to suggest and maximize your internal linking opportunities to aid the effective distribution of link juice. This practice helps improve the overall navigational structure of the site and supports SEO strategies.

4. Link Juice Flows in Immediately

There is also a mistaken belief that the benefits of link juice are instantaneous. In reality, improving a website’s ranking through link building is a gradual process that requires consistency and patience. The effects of newly acquired links take time to manifest in your site’s SEO performance.


Although not an official term from Google, link juice is a fundamental concept in SEO you should master. By understanding how link juice flows and the factors affecting it, you can develop effective strategies to build high-quality backlinks and improve your website’s ranking in search results.

Remember, focus on creating valuable content, earning links naturally, and maintaining a healthy link profile. Don’t be tempted by black-hat tactics, as they can hurt your website in the long run.

While external link building is crucial, don’t neglect the power of internal linking. A well-structured internal linking strategy ensures you distribute link juice effectively throughout your website. This helps search engines understand the hierarchy of your content and improves the overall user experience by making it easier for visitors to navigate your site.

Consider using an effective internal linking tool like LinkVector to help you visualize your website’s architecture and identify opportunities to optimize link juice flow.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Link Juice?

Link juice is a term used in SEO to describe the value passed from one site to another through hyperlinks. It’s crucial for improving a website’s ranking on search engines.

Why is Link Juice important in SEO?

Link juice helps boost page rank, making your website more visible on search engine results pages (SERPs). This can lead to more traffic and higher credibility.

How can I earn more Link Juice?

You can earn more link juice by creating high-quality content that others want to link to, guest blogging on reputable sites, and engaging with your online community to encourage natural backlinks.

What types of links impact Link Juice the most?

Do-follow links from high-authority websites have the biggest impact on link juice. However, relevant and quality content matters too, as it encourages organic linking.

What should I avoid when trying to improve my Link Juice?

Avoid buying links or participating in link schemes as they can lead to penalties from search engines. Focus instead on earning links naturally through quality content and engagement.